

English Meaning: provide with computers
Urdu Meaning: Computer per karna

  1. Will hire the right job candidate within 3 days
  2. Effective communication is key to successful execution
  3. A new computerized cashiering system could be installed in the store at which you work.
  4. Always include cost and timeline in your proposals when applicable
  5. Some good CTAs for facebook ads are: download now, learn more, buy now

English Meaning: an exchange of information
Urdu Meaning: Muwaslaat ya maloomat ka rado badal

  1. Will hire the right job candidate within 3 days
  2. Effective communication is key to successful execution
  3. A new computerized cashiering system could be installed in the store at which you work.
  4. Always include cost and timeline in your proposals when applicable
  5. Some good CTAs for facebook ads are: download now, learn more, buy now

English Meaning: an amount that has to be paid or spent to create or obtain something.
Urdu Meaning: Qeemat

  1. Will hire the right job candidate within 3 days
  2. Effective communication is key to successful execution
  3. A new computerized cashiering system could be installed in the store at which you work.
  4. Always include cost and timeline in your proposals when applicable
  5. Some good CTAs for facebook ads are: download now, learn more, buy now

English Meaning: Call to action
Urdu Meaning: Websites per rkha gya wo button jo users click kr k action complete kren,

  1. Will hire the right job candidate within 3 days
  2. Effective communication is key to successful execution
  3. A new computerized cashiering system could be installed in the store at which you work.
  4. Always include cost and timeline in your proposals when applicable
  5. Some good CTAs for facebook ads are: download now, learn more, buy now